a tarot deck for today.
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Hello and welcome! I'm Jess aka aeoncat, the creator behind The Builders Tarot.

My journey into the world of tarot started out of fascination but soon turned into a project aimed at modernizing this ancient divination tool.

Don't get me wrong—I love traditional tarot. But, I mean, what is a Hierophant, anyway? I still don't know. What I did know was that the archaic symbols and roles in a standard deck didn't always resonate with me or the people in my community—tech builders, creatives, and people who spend more time in front of smartphones than medieval texts.

That's why I've redesigned the tarot deck with today's fast-paced, interconnected world in mind. The Builders Tarot is a deck that reflects the roles, challenges, and
opportunities that we encounter in modern life.

About the Deck:

Major Arcana Reimagined

Our Major Arcana cards bring a modern perspective to classic archetypes:

  • The Intern as the symbol of new beginnings.
  • The Software Engineer embodies creativity.
  • The Hacker represents intuition, wisdom, and hidden knowledge.
  • The Artist symbolizes nurturing creativity and emotional intelligence.
  • The CEO stands for authority, leadership, and control.
  • The Mentor represents guidance, learning, and morality.
  • The Couple symbolizes choices, partnerships, and duality.
  • The Music Producer represents willpower, success, and determination.
  • The Entrepreneur embodies courage, persuasion, and influence.
  • The Concept Designer stands for introspection, solitude, and wisdom.
  • Artificial Intelligence represents cycles, destiny, and karma.
  • Terms and Conditions symbolizes fairness, law, and objectivity.
  • The Beta Tester represents sacrifice, letting go, and new perspectives.
  • The Reboot stands for transformation, endings, and new beginnings.
  • Web Design represents balance, adaptation, and integration.
  • The Shadow Self embodies temptation, materialism, and bondage.
  • The System Crash represents chaos, sudden change, and awakening.
  • The Influencer symbolizes inspiration, hope, and generosity.
  • The Songwriter stands for illusions, emotions, and intuition.
  • The Cultivator represents joy, vitality, and enlightenment.
  • The Launch symbolizes decisions, rebirth, and revelations.
  • The Internet represents our interconnected global community.

Minor Arcana Reimagined

We've modernized the Minor Arcana to speak to today's challenges and opportunities:

  • Ideas: Symbolized by light bulbs.
  • Emotions: Symbolized by hearts.
  • Decisions: Symbolized by stars.
  • Growth: Symbolized by plants.
Court Cards:
  • Novice: Represents the beginning of a journey or the learning of new skills.
  • Apprentice: Symbolizes enthusiasm, venture, and the act of applying what has been learned.
  • Expert: Stands for mastery, nurturing talent, and emotional intelligence.
  • Artisan: Embodies full control, leadership, and mastery over one's craft.

Tarot 101: The Basics for Beginners

If you're new to the world of tarot, you might be wondering what all these cards mean and how they can possibly relate to your life. Great question! Let's dive into the basics.

What is Tarot?

Tarot is a form of divination, but don't let that scare you! At its core, a tarot deck is a set of cards that feature various symbols and archetypes. These symbols serve as a mirror to your subconscious, helping you reflect on various aspects of your life—be it relationships, career, or personal growth.

How Does Tarot Work?

When you draw cards in a tarot reading, the cards serve as a snapshot of the energies or influences in your life at that moment. There's nothing "mystical" about it. Think of it more as a tool for self-reflection. For example, if you draw "The Artist" from The Builders Tarot, you might consider how creativity is influencing your life right now or how you can nurture your creative side.

What is a Tarot Reading?

A tarot reading is a structured way of drawing and interpreting the cards. You can ask a specific question or simply set an intention to understand a particular area of your life better. Then, the cards are shuffled and drawn in a particular layout, each card's position adding another layer to its meaning.

Personal Insight: How to Interpret the Cards

Understanding the cards comes with practice, but the beautiful thing is, you don't have to be an expert to gain insight from a reading. Each card in The Builders Tarot, for example, is designed to be relatable and easy to interpret. "The Software Engineer" might prompt you to consider how you're using your skills to create your reality, while "The System Crash" may lead you to think about areas in your life that need rebooting or change.

Putting It All Together

So why a tarot deck specifically for tech builders and creatives? Because we believe that in today's fast-paced world, it's more important than ever to take moments for self-reflection and understanding. Whether you're a coder, a creator, or simply someone navigating the complexities of modern life, The Builders Tarot offers a unique lens through which to view your challenges, opportunities, and, ultimately, yourself.

We're excited for you to join our community and explore the world of tarot through this modern, relatable format. Whether you're an expert or a novice, there's something here for everyone to discover.